Helping youth become responsible, caring citizens and acquire skills for participating in the democratic process is the main thrust of these programs. They also develop leadership skills and provide opportunities for planning, decision-making, contributing to Club and community and celebrating our national heritage. We offer programs such as:

Girl Scouts
Girls Scouts is a leadership development program that offers every girl a chance to practice a lifetime of leadership, adventure, and success by building girls of courage, confidence, and character.

High school leadership program that looks to improve leadership and character skills as well as a focus on community development.

Sponsored by the Burbank Sunrise Kiwanis, K-Kids learn leadership through service, taking on the responsibility of running a K-Kids club as they plan and participate in community service projects serving their schools and community.

Torch Club
Torch Clubs are chartered, small-group leadership and service clubs for boys and girls ages 11-13. A Torch Club is a powerful vehicle that helps Club staff meet the special character development needs of younger adolescents at a critical stage in their life.

Youth of the Year
National B&G Club program that seeks to identify outstanding High School students with a focus on club impact, character growth, academics, community engagement, and leadership.


Donate today!

No matter the size of the gift, every donation makes a difference and changes a young person’s life. As a donor, there’s an open invitation to you to come by the Club at any time and see your dollars at work.