Health & Life Skills

These initiatives develop young people’s capacity to engage in positive behaviors that nurture their own well-being, set personal goals and live successfully as self-sufficient adults. We offer programs such as:

Passport to Manhood
Passport to Manhood teaches responsibility to boys ages 11-14 with sessions that focus on a specific aspect of character and manhood through highly interactive activities.

Healthy Lifestyles
With a focus on sensory learning, Positive Sprouts teaches hands-on nutrition education, wellness, and science in the garden activities.

Healthy Habits
Healthy Habits emphasizes good nutrition, regular physical activity, and improved overall well-being for youth ages 6-15.

Smart Moves
SMART Moves is a prevention and education program addressing problems such as drug and alcohol use and premature sexual activity.


Donate today!

No matter the size of the gift, every donation makes a difference and changes a young person’s life. As a donor, there’s an open invitation to you to come by the Club at any time and see your dollars at work.