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FRIDAY: 5:00pm – 9:30pm
SATURDAY: 10am – 4:00pm

Let the Shopping Begin….

You can help support the Boys & Girls Club of Burbank and Greater East Valley through our 6th Annual Holiday Shopping Event!  The event will be held December 8th and 9th at Main Club (300 E. Angeleno Avenue, Burbank, CA 91502). Proceeds from this event go to a variety of our programs including:  Creative Arts, STEM, Athletics, College Bound, D/HH (Deaf and Hard of Hearing) and Character and Leadership.


Sugarplum Sponsorship                                                                                              SOLD

  • Little nibbles, drinks and lunch napkins with your logo
  • Recognition on Club’s social media outlets, website and monthly newsleter
  • Top placement on our thank you board
  • Mention in our before and after event press releases


Silent Night Sponsorship                                                                                             $1,500

  • Logo placement on welcome boards & thank you boards throughout
  • Mention in or before and after press releases
  • Recognition on Club’s social media outlets, website and monthly newsletter

Sips Sponsorship                                                                                                          SOLD 

  • Logo placement on welcome boards & thank you boards throughout
  • Mention in before and after press releases
  • Lunch napkins with your logo


Snack Sponsorship                                                                                                      $750

  • Logo placement on welcome boards & thank you boards throughout
  • Mention in before and after press releases
  • Lunch napkins with your log


Mistletoe Sponsorship                                                                                                $500

  • Logo placement on thank you board
  • Kids holiday ornament tree with your name/company logo
  • Recognition on Club’s social media outlets, website and monthly newsletter


Any questions please contact Tracey Ban at tracey.ban@bgcburbank.org