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You can help support the Boys & Girls Club of Burbank and Greater East Valley through our annual Poker/Bingo/Pure 21 Tournament. The event will be held on October 14, 2022. Proceeds from this event go to a variety of our programs including: Creative Arts, STEM, Athletics, College Bound, D/HH (Deaf and Hard of Hearing) and Character and Leadership.

Register by Monday, September 15, 2022 and you will receive $300 in extra chips.


Texas Hold ‘Em Sponsorship –                                                                     $1,500.00

  • Ten seats at the table
  • Logo placement on our thank you board
  • Mention in our before and after event press releases
  • Recognition on Club’s social media outlets, website, monthly newsletter


Pure 21 (Black Jack) Sponsorship –                                                             $750.00

  • Five seats at the table
  • Logo placement on our thank you board
  • Mention in our before and after event press release
  • Recognition on Club’s social media outlets, website, monthly newsletter


Bingo Sponsorship –                                                                                        $500.00

  • Six Bingo cards (can be for one player or multiple players)
  • Logo placement on our thank you board
  • Recognition on Club’s social media outlets, website, monthly newsletter and mention in our before and after event press release

Bar Sponsorship (only 1 available) –                                                            SOLD

  • Company name/logo on all cocktail napkins and recognition signage behind bar stations
  • Includes admission for 2 guests